Wave optics Formulas- Physics Formulas
Wave Optics Formulas
1. Constructive Interference
Resultant Amplitude
Phase Difference
`theta`= 0, 2π, 4π,.....(2nπ)
where n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4,.....
Path Difference
x= 0, `\lambda,2\lambda,3\lambda,.......n\lambda`
Where n=0, 1, 2, 3,....
Resultant Intensity
2. Destructive Interference
Resultant Amplitude
Phase difference
`theta`=π, 3π, 5π,......(2n-1) π
where n=1, 2,3,......
Path difference
Resultant Intensity
3. When sources are coherent
4. Young's Double slit experiment
Bright Fringe
`x=n\frac{\lambda D}d`
Dark Fringe
`x=\left(\frac{2n-1}2\right)\frac{\lambda D}d`
Fringe width
`\beta=\frac{\lambda D}d`
5. Single slit experiment
Angular Position of nth secondary minima
Angular Position of nth secondary maxima
Angular width of central maxima
Angular width of secondary maximum and minimum
`\theta=\frac\lambda a`
6. Brewster's Law
`\mu=\tan i_p`
7. Law of Malus
8. Resolving power of telescope
`R.P.=\frac1{d\theta}=\frac D{1.22\lambda}`